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Shakhrisabz State Pedagogical Institute


On 11-12 July, an academic round table between Uzbekistan and the Polish universities was organized in the city of Warsaw, The Conference of the Parties to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women was held in Geneva from 6 to 9 October 2005. The rector of the Shahrisabaz State Pedagogical Institute Sherzod Nematov also took part.

Today at the meeting held at the institute with the participation of the management and heads of departments, the rector shared his opinion within the framework of this scientific meeting. In particular, he noted that the event had been organized at a high level and provided an opportunity to strengthen international ties and exchange experiences in this important area.
"The academic round table in Poland allowed us to meet with representatives of higher education institutions in Poland, discuss current issues and consider the prospects of development in the field of education", - said the rector. We discussed many topics, such as innovative teaching methods, digitalization of education and international cooperation.
He noted that such events serve to strengthen international links between higher education institutions and the introduction of best educational practices in our institute. Sh. Nematov gave necessary instructions to the officials regarding a number of agreements that should be implemented according to the memorandum signed with the HEIs of Poland within the framework of the academic roundtable.


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