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Shakhrisabz State Pedagogical Institute


In our country, a lot of propaganda work is being carried out in order to develop national handicrafts and folk artistic and applied arts, thereby fully preserving the rich cultural heritage and historical traditions of our people, attracting young people to handicrafts, and awakening their interest in entrepreneurship.

In particular, at Shahrisabz State Pedagogical Institute, as part of the USAID project on the development of entrepreneurship and the business environment, N. Kudratov, the head of the Department of Marketing and Student Practice, organized a seminar-training on the topic "Handicrafts: A Step for Entrepreneurship" in cooperation with the Kashkadarya Regional Handicrafts Department. done.

At the beginning, the visiting artisans, led by the head of the Shahrisabz City Crafts Center, G. Choriyeva, gave important insights into crafts, their development, commercialization, and online sales. Necessary recommendations were given for the further development of the entrepreneurship of young people who are running their own small businesses today. Craftsmen gave a master class on the processes of embroidery, carpet weaving, and the making of various decorations from beads.

In the organized seminar, an exhibition of items telling about the lifestyle of their time was organized, such as sozana based on manual labor, clothing, carpets, bags, and decorative beads.

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